
June 30th, 013 Eastern Ont. 1 hr air test. 5:40 - 6:40 pm. Low 0.06. High 0.43. Avg. 0.13 {Normal} 367 cycles on my Soeks geiger.

June 29th eastern Ont. 9 minute rain swipe graph. 10:00 am - 10:09 am. 60 cycles, Avg. 0.45 microsieverts per hour. The first two cycles are background.

6/29/13 Ven, Seacoast N.H. (avg 0.13)

June 28th, 013 Eastern Ont. 7 minute rain swipe test. 6:15 - 6:22 pm. 50 cycles, Avg. 0.34 or about 100 cpm. Screen cap of the high mark. The first few cycles were my normal background before I placed the geiger near the paper towel.

6/28/13 Ven, Seacoast N.H. (avg. 0.13)

6/27/13 Ven, Seacoast N.H. (avg 0.13) spike 0.46

6/26/13 Ven, Seacoast N.H. Night Rain (avg 0.20)

June 26th, 013, Eastern Ontario. 1 hr outdoor air test. 8:00 - 9:00 pm. 375 cycles with an average of 0.14 microsieverts per hour. {normal} 3rd spike was 6 cycles above 0.20. 4th spike was a double 0.33. 5th spike was multi-cycled also.

6/26/13 Ven, Seacoast N.H. (avg 0.13)

June 25th, 4:30 pm, eastern Ont. Quick swipe from passing storm from the west.

6/25/13 Ven, Seacoast N.H. (avg 0.13) spike 0.46

6/24/13 Ven, Seacoast N.H. (avg 0.14) spike 0.50

6/23/13 Ven, Seacoast N.H. (avg. 0.13)

6/22/13 Ven, Seacoast N.H. (avg. 0.12)

6/21/13 Ven, Seacoast N.H. (avg. 0.12)

06/20/13, Inspector, South Devon, UK 20x normal background.. rain swipe

6/20/13 Ven, Seacoast N.H. (avg. 0.12)

June 19th 013 Eastern Ont. air test. 9:35 - 10:35 pm. 350 cycles {Soeks} Avg. 0.13 microsieverts per hour.

06/19/13, SOEKS, Sam in Encantado RS Brazil, black foam on rain

06/18/13, SOEKS, Craig in Corby, UK

6/19/13 Ven, Seacoast N.H. (avg. 0.14)

1/18/13 Ven, Seacoast N.H. (avg. 0.13)

06/17/13, SOEKS, Samuel in Encantado RS Brazil, testing "black stuff in rain"..

6/17/13 Ven, Seacoast N.H. (avg. 0.13)

6/16/13 Ven, Seacoast N.H. (avg. 0.13)

6/15/13 Ven, Seacoast N.H. (avg. 0.12)

6/14/13 Ven, Seacoast N.H. (avg. 0.12)

June 13th, 013 Eastern Ont. 1 hour outdoor air test. 9:30 - 10:30 pm. Soeks geiger, 368 cycles. Avg. 0.13 {normal} Lots of yellow bars showing with the spikes

Jun 13, 2013 12:11pm 6/13 salisbury ma. inspector alert 10min timed count. low30cpm high122cpm avg82. we have hot rain in the boston area wind from the northeast. stay out of the rain meter on the deck in the water on baggy.

6/13/13 Ven, Seacoast N.H. (avg. 0.13)

6/12/13 Ven, Seacoast N.H. (avg. 0.12)

6/11/13 Ven, Seacoast N.H. (avg. 0.14)

6/10/13 Ven, Seacoast N.H. (avg 0.13)

06/09/13 Ven, Seacoast N.H. (high 0.63 uSv/hr)

06/08/13 Ven, Seacoast N.H.

June 7th 013 eastern Ont. Cloudy, some mist rain. I ran a test for 75 minutes here, just now. 7:30 - 8:45 pm. Avg. 0.13 {normal}, 458 cycles, soeks geiger.

06/07/13 Ven, Seacoast N.H. (0.67 uSv/hr spike)

June 6th 013 Eastern Ont. Rain swipe test before 1:15 pm {left} and after 2:15 pm {right} 1 hr air test. 365 cycles on air test, 0.13 Avg. {Normal but spikey}

06/06/13 Ven, Seacoast N.H.

06/05/2013 Ven, Seacoast N.H.

06/03/13, Inspector 3007-A w/External Pancake, Nokaoi in Durham, NC, USA

June 4th 013. Eastern Ontario. 40 minute air test. Soeks geiger. 2:20 - 3:00 pm. 237 cycles, Avg. 0.13 {Normal}

6/04/13 Ven, Seacoast N.H. (first time with 0.14 uSv/hr avg)

06/03/13, SOEKS, Craig in Corby, UK

6/03/13 Ven, Seacoast N.H.

06/01/13, SOEKS, Sam in Encantado RS Brazil..

06/01/13, SOEKS, Sam in Encantado RS Brazil, 84 uSv/h

06/01/13 Ven, Seacoast, N.H.